Enhancing Professional Landscaping Standards

The Landscape Association is a proactive and lively industry organisation dedicated to fostering growth and collaboration within the landscape design and construction sector.

Reconnect Necessity

The Master Landscape Association of New South Wales and the ACT has been a key player for landscape professionals. In 2019 however, management realised that over time, its visibility with the broader public has diminished. It was evident that change was needed to reestablish its relevance.

A dedicated team was formed to revamp the association’s brand, strategy, and digital presence. After extensive discussions and collaboration, we identified core areas for improvement. The public lacked a strong connection to the association, and their digital outreach could be more effective. Furthermore, it was realised there was an opportunity to streamline internal processes leading to greater efficiency.

Today, the association aims to strengthen its bond with the public, optimise its digital channels, and streamline operations, ensuring it remains a central figure in the landscaping world.

The challenge was evident.

We embarked on a mission to enhance the brand, ensuring it effectively catered to the broader community, resonated with current members, and appealed to potential newcomers.

Our first major step was to shorten the brand name to “The Landscape Association,” a name that clearly captures its essence and role.

This was followed by the development of a new visual identity, including a logo, brand guidelines, and a harmonised colour palette. To round things off, we refined their communication strategy, emphasising clarity and resonance with their target audience.

Our Methodical Approach

To address the challenge of the office team using multiple systems, we streamlined the process And combined multiple functionalities into a unified platform.

The outcome is a website that combines both membership and eCommerce capabilities. With a focus on efficiency and user experience, the transformation is designed to enhance market trust, offer greater value to members, and improve operational ease for the team.

Technically, this meant introducing a new CMS and updating the front-end website. All components, including ONTRAPORT for member management, have been integrated. Ticket sales are now more efficient, and the system aligns seamlessly with the existing accounting tools, providing a cohesive digital solution.

Enhancing the User Experience

Some 8 months after our first consultation, they launched their new site. With a modest budget but sky-high aspirations, they reinitiated their online journey. Our initial focus was on fine-tuning the site for best conversion rates and naturally boosting brand visibility. On the social front, we crafted strategies and employed remarketing to re-engage visitors who’d left without acting.

From a UX perspective, the site is designed with the user in mind, offering clear and direct communication. Whether someone’s looking for a supplier or seeking advice, navigating is a breeze. Features like a clear menu and an efficient search function make information access quick and hassle-free.

Celebrating the essence of the organisation, member contributions are the hero of the page. Each page features captivating images, spotlighting the excellent work of the community.

Delivering Exceptional Member Experiences

In our drive to better the experience for members, we implemented three primary enhancements:

  1. Improved Searchability — Enhanced the profile search feature to ensure quick and easy member location.
  2. Profile Customisation — Gave members the flexibility to tweak their profiles, letting them highlight their standout work and engage effectively with potential clients. In essence we gave them a microsite that lifted their profile and gave SEO benefit to them too.
  3. Intuitive Dashboard  — Rolled out a user-friendly hub where members can handle their profiles, post vacancies, seek new team members, access invoices, and tap into essential resources for peak performance.

Efficient Solutions for Managing Everything

Using this system, the TLA team can effortlessly and automatically monitor membership renewals, event registrations, revenue trends, staff-member interactions, and send out email updates to everyone or specific groups. Best of all, we’ve incorporated automation, ensuring the team can concentrate on their core tasks, with the system taking care of the rest.


“Hamish acted as our point of contact from start to finish, which meant we knew he was across all elements of the project. The information-gathering process was incredibly thorough and began with a strategic focus. The team researched systems and recommended a back-end database which suits our needs without costing the earth. They have worked tirelessly to ensure integration across all our business systems from the website, through database to accounting. We went live several weeks ago and have had barely a glitch since. 3PM have been dedicated and professional throughout the process and confidently guided us through the most significant change process in our organisation’s history. The lack of interruption to the member experience is commendable and we couldn’t be happier with our new look & feel and website.”

-Julie Krieger, Chief Executive Officer