5 Proven Tactics to Boost Content Visibility and Engagement

September 6, 2024

Have you poured your heart and soul into creating amazing content, only to see it languish on the internet?

You’re not alone. 2023 study by Semrush built on Siege Media’s research found that 54% of marketers are struggling to get their content seen by the right audience without significant financial investment. Interestingly, Siege Media’s show that businesses spending over $2,000 on a single piece of content are more likely to see success in their marketing efforts.

But what if you could transform your content into a powerful tool that attracts new leads, engages your target market, and establishes you as an industry leader without spending heaps of $$$?

We don’t necessarily have a magic formula for you, but we’ve learned a few things and wanted to give you a few different platforms and approaches to consider which may help you get more eyes on your content.

Utilise email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer valuable content upgrades, exclusive resources, or early access to new content in exchange for email sign-ups.

Identify the platforms your target audience frequents most (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram). Consistently post high-quality content tailored to each platform’s format and audience preferences. Drive people to sign up for your newsletters for more detailed updates.

Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals and potential clients. Share insightful articles, participate in relevant discussions, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Partner with industry influencers to share your content with their audience, significantly increasing your reach.